The nuanced view — learn to understand “the other side”

Rasmus Ursem
6 min readApr 3, 2023

I recently listened to the “You Are Not So Smart” podcast (YANNS) episode 256 on “The Persuaders” — a new book on how minds change and how polarized public debate has become. It made me think and ultimately write this article.

Anand Giridharadas, author of “The Persuaders”, and David McRaney, host of the YANSS podcast, discussed aspects of disagreement. I am paraphrasing a bit, but they pointed out that it is better to disagree angrily than silently disagree. A heated discussion shows that you are still interested in the other person’s…



Rasmus Ursem

Computer & data scientist, writer, thinker, photographer, and generally curious about life and the wet matter between our ears — in short, I’m a poly-geek :-)